The Cadex Titanium Halligan Bars (24″ or 30″) are the ultimate breaching tools available in the breacher’s arsenal.
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The Cadex Short (4″) and Long (7″) Assault Climbing Hook (SACH) provide the entry teams with an extremely versatile tool for vertical methods of entry in scenarios where it is not practical to use the larger Cadex Extra Long Assault Climbing Hook.
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The Cadex extra-long assault climbing hook provides the assaulter with a versatile tool for use with pole systems to securely position assault ladders on irregularly shaped or rounded surfaces.
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The Cadex ladder reel gives the user the capability to rapidly deploy their cable-type assault ladder.
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The Cadex pole ladder provides a secure rigid method of entry. A standard kit includes one hook, four pole sections and two half-pole section for over 25 feet of portable climbing power.
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Cadex 37mm launching cup is ideal for less lethal and crowd-control situations. The Launching Cup is used in conjunction with a 37mm ballistic cartridge.